Our 2012 desk calendar theme will feature images that reflect your favorite landmarks or sights--where you live or anywhere in the world.

We are looking for your photographs that are natural, national, cultural--what you feel represents where you're from and who you are. A terrific view. A popular location. Historical, contemporary. The unusual. Sights and scenes that say, "Look at this!"

Show us what A World of Pride means to you.

The 14 creme de la creme images will be published in our 2012 official calendar.

Thank you to all contest participants!

1. Be sure to click the Older Posts link at the bottom right of each blog page -just after the last photo- to be directed to the next page of pictures.

2. Several entries were submitted after the BDP Calendar Team began the photo selection process and could not be considered for the calendar; however, these pictures will be posted! Please visit our blog site again on Friday, 7 October 2011.

Lukang Tianhou Temple - Taiwan

These entries represent the historical building or the natural landscape
from my country, Taiwan, which show our faith or our life.

Lukang Tianhou Temple was built in the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty; the temple enshrines Goddess Mazu, which was one of tutelary gods for people in Minnan area in early days. In the 3rd year of Emperor Yongzheng in Qing Dynasty (1725), Shi, Shi-bang contributed the place and relocated the Mazu Temple to current location in today. The Tianhou Temple was renovated in the 13th year of Emperor Tongzhi in Qing Dynasty (1874) and the 11th year of Emperor Showa (1936) in succession.

Today’s temple appearance is the pattern and layout from the renovation in the 11th year of Emperor Showa. The temple was appointed as the third-class historic site in 1985 and a Mazu Folk Art Hall was established in 1992. Tianhou Temple still preserves the “Shen Zhao Hai Biao” horizontal inscribed board bestowed by Emperor Yongzheng, the “Shen Zhao Hai Biao” horizontal inscribed board bestowed by Emperor Qianlong, the “Yu Tian Tong Gong” horizontal inscribed board bestowed by Emperor Guangxu, and horizontal inscribed boards presented by Fujian Governor Shao-Lan Wang, Lukang officers Lan-Pei Wang and Shou-Ming Sun, and Fujian Land Route Prefect Wen-Mo Xu. All are Lukang Tianhou Temple’s very important cultural assets.

The temple has the layout of three structures and two yards; it has front Hall (Sanchuan Hall), main Hall, and back Hall. Sanchuan Hall has five shop widths' structure pattern; it has Eight Trigrams Door at both sides. Main door’s space extends inward and forms an “Au-Shou” pattern, creating a gradational space aesthetic for Sanchuan Hall. The stone carvings and wood carvings in Sanchuan Hall were made of exquisite carving skills; those are hailed as one of the most delicate works in Taiwan by the academic circles. Tianhou Temple’s splendid stone window carvings, protruding dragon and tiger stone carvings, and delicate color drawing and woodcarvings on building frames are great master’s crafts that worth you to taste slowly.
Photographer:  Pan Wang - Taipei, BDP Taiwan

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