Our 2012 desk calendar theme will feature images that reflect your favorite landmarks or sights--where you live or anywhere in the world.

We are looking for your photographs that are natural, national, cultural--what you feel represents where you're from and who you are. A terrific view. A popular location. Historical, contemporary. The unusual. Sights and scenes that say, "Look at this!"

Show us what A World of Pride means to you.

The 14 creme de la creme images will be published in our 2012 official calendar.

Thank you to all contest participants!

1. Be sure to click the Older Posts link at the bottom right of each blog page -just after the last photo- to be directed to the next page of pictures.

2. Several entries were submitted after the BDP Calendar Team began the photo selection process and could not be considered for the calendar; however, these pictures will be posted! Please visit our blog site again on Friday, 7 October 2011.

Chinese Ghost Festival - Taipei Ciyou Mazhu Temple

"G’day! The attached photo was taken at Taipei Ciyou Mazhu Temple near to my house. Just as the West has Halloween for ghosts and ghouls, so also does Taiwan have a holiday to fete the departed spirits of the underworld. Ghost Festival, a popular occasion celebrated throughout China on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month. Historically, families offer scarifies of the newly harvested grain to departed ancestors on this day, which also coincides with the Buddhist Ullambana (Deliverance) Festival and the Taoist Ghost Festival. Since each of these traditions in some way honors the spirits of the departed the seventh lunar month has come to known as Ghost Month, celebrated as a time when the “Good Brethren”, ghosts from the underworld, come back to earth to feast on the victuals offered by the living. Over time the Ullambana Festival and Ghost Festival have melded together to become the present day – Chung Yuan Putu or Mid-Origin Passage to Universal Salvation."
 Photographer:  Lionel Lai - Taipei, BDP Taiwan

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